Sunday, November 11, 2012

Course Embedded

Course-Embedded Internship Summary Report
Directions: This report should summarize all Course-Embedded Internship Activities that have been recorded in the log forms.  You will use this form to complete the form in TK20.
• The Internship requires a total of 150 course-embedded hours.
• The Internship hours should fulfill the following domain requirements:
– Domain I: School Community Leadership: (Minimum of 42 hours)
– Domain II: Instructional Leadership (Minimum of 68 hours)
– Domain III: Administrative Leadership (Minimum of 30 hours)
• The Internship hours must include at least one activity under each of the nine Principal Competencies.
State Competency Standard
Skills and Experience Area
Course Number
Date Completed
Time Spent on Activity
Description of Activity
EDLD 5311
Fundamentals of Leadership
7 hrs
Students will collaborate with the school supervisor and develop the 18 month internship plan.  Plans will be based on self-assessment findings, professional goals, and the unique needs of the intern and school.            
I met with my supervisor to review my internship. She made recommendations about my goals and those things that need change.  Through the internship I will be gaining leadership skills by the following. I will be creating a campus improvement plan and review it with her. I will have me negotiate conflicts that arise.  I will increase my effective communication by working on a power point about our school that will be presented during a board meeting.  I will do one skill a week.
EDLD 5311
Fundamentals of Leadership
8 hrs
Students develop an educational vita noting all professional experience, education, relevant training, professional organizations, and references.  The vita will become part of the professional portfolio and used to note strengths and areas for further development in devising the internship plan.
As I worked on my vita I realized that there are many gaps on it that I would like to work on throughout my internship.  I have no administrative and leadership experience.  I know that some teacher serve as lead teachers before becoming a principal.  I would not like to be at a disadvantage. I will be doing presentations during staff developments in hopes to gain leadership experiences.
EDLD 5301
10  hrs
Students engage in identifying an action research topic(s) or research question(s) and designing a draft action plan completing a recommended template or format of a blueprint of the action research plan.
I talked to my site supervisor about a topic for my action research and we decided that since the school is about discipline my topic should be based on discipline.  I will research effective behavior management strategies can schools use to lower discipline problems.  I have outlined what steps I will do to complete my action research on my blog based on the outline of  school improvement action research project report on the recourse section of this course.     
EDLD 5301
5 hrs
Students review comments from colleagues and site supervisors and engage in revising their draft action research plan. By the end of Week 5, students should confer with their site supervisor(s) and agree on an action research topic and plan.
I made a list on all my groups’ members and went through each of them to post comments.  Then I e-mail all of them through blackboard to let them know that if I did not post was because I would not see it and I would look though the list the next day for anyone who fixed their blog.  I also asked to return the favor and comment on my blog.  I have four classmates blog me.   They gave me advice to keep in mind while doing my action research.  I also sat with my site supervisor and made some additions to my action research.
EDLD 5333
Leadership for Accountability
5 hrs
Students create a personal vision of leadership.                     
I read all the assigned reading and thought about what schools should teach and have, what makes an effective classroom and school, what qualities a good principal shows and what a quality instructional program should include.  I came out with the following personal vision of leadership:
I will be a leader who, with the help of all stockholders, creates a vision for improvement for all involved in the school to gain knowledge while being respected and showing respect.  
This shows what I believe in and will do when I become an educational leader.
EDLD 5333
Leadership for Accountability
5 hrs
Students attend a Site-Based Decision-Making (SBDM) meeting, record reflections, and interview the principal and one other staff member regarding collaboration, consensus building strategies, ethical relationships, typical agenda items, etc.        
I set up an interview with Mrs. Guillory, principal for Lockhart High School. When I got to her office she had all of her APs there.  They explained to me how the site base decision making committees are set up and work.  I learned each AP is head of several committees.  The APs are in charge of looking for members for their committees and reporting decisions to the head principal who then takes that information to central office.  Each AP looks for staff that has experience on the topic of the committee.  For example right now, one AP is in on the committee to reconstruct the ESL Department.  He is looking for a full time ESL teacher and once he make his decision he will report to the head principal and she will go to central office with that information.  Another committee is looking at updating textbooks and computers programs.  That AP is looking over the budget to see how much money she has to work with.
EDLD 5333
Leadership for Accountability
Students demonstrate leadership for accountability by researching best practices, including specific professional development to address a target area and list the strategies and rationale for using each strategy.
I reviewed the AEIS for my district high school and saw that special education math scores were low, so I set a goal and objective for school improvement based on special education math scores.  I looked at my region workshops to see what was offered.  I found training for the EOCs in all three math classes for free.  I also looked on line to see what resources teachers can use to help them teach students.  I found websites with activity for students and notes teachers can use to make a lesson easier to understand.  
EDLD 5333
Leadership for Accountability
5 hrs
Students conduct a data-based needs assessment. Based on the areas of need identified, students create a campus action plan to address the needs identified including professional development plans, allocation of resources to support the plan, and any tools needed for school improvement efforts
In week one I reviewed the AYP scores and compared them to the AYP target for each subgroup.  In week two I reviewed the AEIS scores and compared them to the indicators for Acceptable, Recognized, and Exemplary. I compared each year’s scores by using the Multi-Year History Report to see trends and patterns and the campus group to see how we compare to other schools.  I identified the areas of weakness and strength.   I set a goal and objective for the school in week three and researched articles and activities students and teachers can use to reach those goals.  All this lead to week four.  I created a campus action plan with a budget of $6,000 using some of the activities from week 3.  I made an agenda for professional development to help teachers deliver better lessons by analyzing scores and curriculum. 
EDLD 5333- Leadership for Accountability
5 hrs
Students conduct a data-driven, comprehensive needs assessment using the latest AYP and AEIS data, a multi-year history of this data, and a comparable improvement report.
In week one of this course I looked up the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for my district’s high school and middle school.  I looked at and analyzed the scores to what the AYP requirements are.  I saw that the high school missed AYP for reading and mathematics but made the graduation requirements.  The middle school missed AYP for reading but made the attendance requirement.   In week two I examine my district’s high school’s AIES scores. In was able to see in the Campus Report how scores increased or decrease from 2010 to 2011.   In the campus group I was able to see how Lockhart high school compared to other schools with similar demographics.  Turned out that four out of six subgroups are higher.   Lockhart High School’s Multi-Year History shows that there was growth for all tests taken.  I learned what a school needs to be academically acceptable, recognized and exemplary.   I recognized areas of weakness and strength.  
EDLD 5344
School Law
15 hrs
Application of learning by designing a remediation to a situation you would like to improve in your school. In your School-Based Analysis, you familiarized yourself with special education policies in your state and school district. For your Application, you will use this knowledge as you follow a fictional student, Julia, who has just enrolled at your school. You will develop an Individualized Education Program for “Julia,” monitor how her program is implemented in the classroom, and use your knowledge of student rights and school management to make sound decisions when she engages in behavior that calls for disciplinary action. This assignment will require you to use knowledge gained from your lectures and readings, and from communication with leaders at your school, including your principal, special education coordinator, and classroom teachers. Your final step will be to make suggestions about how management policies and procedures for special education students at your school can be improved. In all instances, you are expected to cite relevant law and/or policy that you used to formulate your answers.                
EDLD 5345
Human Resource Mgt
5 hrs
Students review Chapter 247 of the Texas Administrative Code, "Educators' Code of Ethics," conduct observations and/or interviews in your school, and use the results of those observations interviews to complete the "Code of Ethics Mind walk."        
I read through Chapter 247. It is the educators’ code of ethics that sets ethical standards for educators in Texas. The educators’ code of ethics is enforced by the SBEC that can take disciplinary proceedings against a teacher’s certification. It talks about three Professional Ethical Conduct Practices and Performance, Ethical Conduct Toward Professional Colleagues and Ethical Conduct Toward Students. Each of the three parts is broken down and states what the educator should not do.
EDLD 5345
Human Resource Mgt
5 hrs
Students conduct an interview with an administrator at their school regarding strategies for recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers and administrators.
I interviewed my school’s principal to see what strategies the school district does to retain high quality teachers. Some the thing that are unique are: the school board approved a 3% salary raise, every year the district looks for better health benefits and leadership training for teachers who are working on their principal certifications. To recruit teachers, one member of human resources will also go to nearby universities and talk to teachers who are graduating.
EDLD 5345
Human Resource Mgt
5 hrs
Students access the policies and procedures in place in their district related to teacher mentoring programs by accessing the district's webpage or contacting district Human Resources Office and reflect on the policies in place for mentoring induction.       
I learned that Lockhart ISD may assign a mentor teacher to a classroom teacher who has less than two years of teaching experience in the subject or grade level to which the teacher is assigned. If possible, the mentor teacher must teach in the same school, the same subject or grade level, and meet the qualifications prescribed by the Commissioner’s rules.
The mentor teacher must complete training and comply with the requirements set by the commissioner. One requirement is a research-based mentor and induction training program approved by the commissioner. Another requirement is a training program that the district provides. The mentor teacher must have at least three complete years of teaching experience and have a record for achieving student’s performance. The district may apply for funds to help with a mentor teacher program. The funds can be used for mentor stipends and support that is needed for mentor training.
EDLD 5345
Human Resource Mgt
5 hrs
Students complete the Cultural Proficiency Receptivity Scale, use the Cultural Proficiency Professional Development Rubric to assess the level of professional development at their campus or workplace, and identify and describe where and how their campus has responded to each of the elements of Cultural Proficiency
From the cultural proficiency receptivity scale, I learned that there are six different levels to become culturally proficient. The rubric helped me analyze where my school and district are and how they respond to each element of cultural proficiency. I learned what things I can do as a leader to promote cultural proficiency among my school. I can have professional training and guest speakers but if teachers do not understand the training, then there is no awareness. Changing people’s way of thing from them to us is a challenge that I will be faced with as a leader. I plan to have a staff of different cultural to help my school be cultural proficient.
EDLD 5326 School Community Relations
5 hrs
Students develop a plan for a family-school-community partnership(s) to increase student achievement
I thought of ideas about what community partnerships the school needs to help to students be successful.  The school is a DAEP that has students for misbehaving and drug abuse.  This has lead students to be behind in their academic level.  I came up with an idea to get outside counseling and tutoring to help students.  There are nearby colleges with college students that are studying to be counselor and teachers.  The college students can come by to help our students and gain experience.          
EDLD 5326 School Community Relations
5 hrs
Students develop a presentation to be given to key stakeholders in their school that emphasizes the importance of parental-community involvement to student achievement.                
I created a Prezi and embedded it on my goggle website.  It was the first time I used Prezi.  The program was difficult to use at first because it kept moving.  The Prezi I created is titled “Helping student for a Better Tomorrow”.   It starts with what the problems are and then went on to what the partnership is going to add and what the outcomes will be.  With the presentation I hope to have more support from the district for the following year so that the partnership outcome will last.
EDLD 5339
Organization and Mgt Issues
5 hrs
Students interview two school leaders regarding campus organization and management and Site-Based Decision-Making (SBDM) policies and procedures, which include issues of campus vision and mission.            
EDLD 5339
Organization and Mgt Issues
5 hrs
Students analyze the scheduling process in place on the campus and weigh the effects of the schedule on campus goals, objectives, and student needs.  
EDLD 5339
Organization and Mgt Issues
5 hrs
Students analyze campus goals and objectives and the use of resources such as time and personnel to address the issues of a safe and productive school environment. 
EDLD 5388 Diverse Learners
6 hrs
Students conduct a teacher quality survey which looks at factors such as the years of teaching experience of campus teachers, degrees held (bachelor or master), teacher ethnicity, compared with ethnicity of students and community demographics and prepare a report of their findings.    
EDLD 5388 Diverse Learners
5 hrs
Students discuss state and federal legal requirements for Response-to-Intervention (RTI) policy and make application of RTI through a case study process
EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership
6 hrs
In this School-Based Application, the student will look at the strengths and weaknesses of your campus as you examine and apply data from the Texas Campus STaR Chart, a technology data-gathering tool provided by the state. You will complete a three-year comparison of Texas Campus STaR Chart data from your campus with statewide summary data. Like the resources you utilized in your Analysis assignment, the STaR chart will prove useful as you become an instructional leader.        
EDLD 5335 Curriculum Mgt
5 hrs
Students describe Curriculum Management Audit standards, compare the audit standards to the campus curriculum program, and make suggestions for improvement of academic performance through use of the audit the standards.          
EDLD 5335 Curriculum Mgt
5 hrs
Students use set criteria to evaluate a teacher's edition of a textbook or a curriculum guide for a content area or a campus objective selected for a learner-centered staff development experience.   
EDLD 5335 Curriculum Mgt
4 hrs
Students describe Curriculum Management Audit standards, compare the audit standards to the campus curriculum program, and make suggestions for improvement of academic performance through use of the audit the standards.          
EDLD 5335 Curriculum Mgt
4 hrs
Students use set criteria to evaluate a teacher's edition of a textbook or a curriculum guide for a content area or a campus objective selected for a learner-centered staff development experience.