Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Campus Internship update

Campus Supervised Summary and Validation Report
Directions: This report should summarize all Campus Supervised Internship Activities that have been completed.  You will document your activities on this form and submit the completed form  in your 12th course.
·         The Internship requires a minimum of 150 campus supervised internship activities. These activities should match the candidates’ Internship Plan activities.
·         The intern must use the 38 leadership activities, located in their textbook (pages 22-65) as the starting point for these activities. There needs to be a minimum of 38 Campus- Supervised entries that encompasses the 38 leadership activities and nine competencies. *Educational Technology Leadership candidates must include the 33 ISTE Technology Performance Indicators associated with the eight Technology Facilitation Standards in addition to the 38 principal leadership activities.*
·         All columns are required for completion of form.
Total Number of Hours:
State Competency Standard/ISTE Technology Facilitation Standard
Skills and Experience Area/ ISTE Performance Indicator
Date Completed
Time Spent on Activity
Description of Activity
Reflection (150 words or less detailing what you have learned from this activity)
SBEC Domain I:
Competency 1:
School Community Leadership
#1  Vision/Mission
Review and compare vision and Mission
3 hours
Review and compare two different school vision statements. Try to obtain these from two distinct types of schools.   Note strengths and weaknesses of each and make recommendations for your school/ district.  Include your recommendations in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I compared two school vision statements. One is from Randolph High school in Randolph MA. Randolph’s vision statement goal is for students to become part of a larger community. With support from the community the school provides students with the skills to become productive and creative. The school’s vision statement recognizes that students come from different backgrounds and provides opportunities for students to grow with diversity. I agree with the statement because it shows that it wants students to be able to cope with the diverse world around them. I would recommend adding something about creating workers. This is a high school and students will need to find work after graduating. Some students might go to college straight out of high school but at the end they will need to find jobs. I recommend adding something about providing work skills.
Cherokee Middle School’s vision statement goal is to reach excellence in leadership development. The Climate of the school is described as a place where students feel comfortable, safe and accepted and a place where achievements are celebrated and communication is encouraged. The staff’s goals are to work with effective classroom practices by attending professional development to provide students with successful instructional strategies. The school’s academic goals are to have a curriculum that promote students with intellectual thinking and incorporate moral skills. Students are to behave in a respectful manner toward others. Parents are to be active in their child’s academic progress. The statement goes on with statements to what the school will do to accomplish this. The only recommendation would be to add something that shows the school is helping students be successful in high school.
Both schools have good goals for their students. The main idea from both vision statements is that they want students to be successful.
SBEC Domain I: School Community Leadership
Competency 1:
#2 Strategic Planning
Strategic plan the  campus improvement plan
8 hours
Help create a campus improvement plan and go over it with the principal.
Include the copy of improvement plan in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I work at an alternative center for discipline.  At the beginning of the year we did not have an improvement plan.  I got a copy of our freshmen campus’s improvement plan and googled improvement plan for alternative centers and compared the two.  I made a template using the freshmen campus format and got ideas from the goals from the other alternative center.  I thought about what the school has in place and needs.  Then I wrote down goals and started to fill in the template.  I showed it to the principal who gave feedback.    
SBEC Domain I: Competency 1:
School Community Leadership
#3 Data Collection and Analysis
Analysis how collected data can be used for improvement.
3 hours
Review the way student’s intake assessment data impacts practice.  Write a reflective statement about how the leader would seek to improve the use of assessment data in the school/district.  Include the statement in your notebook or e-portfolio.
At the beginning of each student’s stay at the alternative center students receive an intake package.  The students read and work on the pack throughout the first day.  The pack starts by explaining the level system to students.  It lets students know that they can move up the level system by showing good behavior.  Then it goes to the time students are released and privileges.  Students are released from highest levels to lowest levels.  Students at the highest levels are allowed to communicate during lunch and breakfast.    At the end, the intake has the school’s expectations of behavior, consequences and dress code.  Overall the entire intake explains everything students should do.  Unfortunately, I have worked with the students and know that most of our students avoid reading.  I can tell that the way the information is presented that some students do not read or understand the information.  The intake should be given to students while the parent is still at their first day meeting and not afterwards.  The information should be explained to both the students and the parents so if at any time the parent needs to be called the parent know how the students got in trouble.                
SBEC Domain I:
Competency 1:
School Community Leadership
#5 Negotiating/
Consensus Building
Use steps to negotiate a conflict.
3 hours
Negotiate a conflict that arises and include the steps used in building consensus for your plan.  Include the steps and assessments of outcomes and areas for needed improvement in your notebook or e-portfolio.
There was a conflict with a student’s home campus.  The student was sent to us and had been told that someone was going to be coming to help her with her advance placement class.  No one ever came and the teacher sent her work all out of order.   The student’s parent complaint to the home campus and the home campus ask us to reply.  I e-mailed back what I had been told about someone coming over and about the home campus teacher sending work in the wrong order and not getting back with the student’s questions.   I went to the home campus to sit in the teacher’s classroom and saw what she was doing.  When I came back I told my principal that the teacher gives notes by power point and includes information that is not in the textbook. None of which was ever sent over. That is why the student was having a hard time.  The principal replied by asking the teacher to e-mail the power point over with the additional notes. 
Improvement needed is, that home campus’s teachers need to communication with us in a timely matter.  They need to understand that we are a support for their class material while a student is over here.         
SBEC Domain I: Competency 1:
School Community Leadership
#6 Collaborative Decision Making
Gather opinion information about collaborative decision making.
5 hours
Attend a school board meeting where collaborative decision making is used.  Observe the leader’s behavior in outlining goals, defining problems, seeking information, providing information, clarifying and elaborating, challenging viewpoints, assessing progress, and summarizing.  Include the observations and recommendations for improvement in your notebook or e-portfolio. 
I attended a school board meeting.  The district superintendent, assistant superintendent and school board members where all there.  The meeting started with call to order and AFJROTC presented the colors.  After that, the board started to go over the business agenda.  There were three new board members and one of them was asking about what certain wording meant.  The leader interpreted the wording so that all board members understood.  The board member in charge of finance presented the budget.  Questions were asked about why teacher salary was less.  It turned out that teachers with high pay are retiring and being replaced with less experienced teacher who receive lower pay.  One board member asked about the sub pay.  He said that the pay had gone down and if the board could reconsider increasing it again.  The board agreed to reconsider sub pay.  Once everything on the agenda had been discussed the board members went into an adjourning room to conduct a short closed door session to make sure everything agreed on was legal.  Throughout the meeting there were many questions from board member to board member about thing that they did not understand.  The meeting lasted about four hours and all principal are required to attend.  I was told that there are meeting that do not end till very late and that principal need to go to work the next day.  The only recommendation I could make would be for the board members to share information by e-mail before the meeting so that any misunderstanding can be corrected before the meeting and the meeting will not end so late.
SBEC Domain I: Competency 2: School Community Leadership
#4 Effective Communication
Use Effective Communicat-ion to create a power point.
8 hours
Create a power point about the school, gather evaluative feedback on your ability and capacity to give information, seek information, listen, receive, information, and monitor information.  Include the feedback in your note or e-portfolio.
Using the school’s website, I put together an outline of a power point by making a list of services we provide students.  I made slides with the title of the list of services and took some picture around the school to put with the slides.  Once the out line was done I had each teacher come by to see it and give feedback.  After I made corrections, I e-mailed it to all the staff for more information.   During our staff development we all saw the final out come.  The teachers all liked it.  I kept effective communication by asking each teacher individually for feedback and e-mail it to all of them for more feedback and then going over it during the staff development. 
SBEC Domain I: Competency 2: School Community Leadership
#25 Community / Public Relations
Interview people involved in school/district pubic relations.
Interview one or more persons involved in school/district public relations.  The interview should include eliciting strategies for effective communication to and from the community and the issue of community politics.  Include a summary of the interview in your notebook or e-portfolio.
SBEC Domain I: Competency 2: School Community Leadership
#26  Parent Involvement
Write how to improve parental involvement.
3 hours
Write a short proposal for increasing or improving parent involvement with and attitude toward the school. Include the proposal in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I have seen parent involvement when kids are young and then something happens and parents are no longer attending open house or school actives.    To increase parent involvement in schools, barriers stopping parents need to be removed.  Some parents feel that they are able to help their children with homework when they are small but once they get to middle or high school the academics get to a point where a parent no longer feels comfortable helping.  School can provide tutoring to students after school and weekends and invite the parents to sit with their child.  This way they hear the material with their child and parents will not feel they cannot help their child.  Some schools even provide continuing education. Maybe there can be a class for parents and students to learn together.   Other parents have to work and although would like to be part of their child’s academic success they have no time to go to school activities.  Schools now have computer programs that students can log in at home and work.  By showing parents that those programs are available all day parents can find time to work with their child.  All this would need to be communicated to parents.  The school can present this information during parent information nigh before the school year starts.  To make parents come the school to get the information, the parent information session can happen the same day that parents need to register their child in the school by showing documentation of residence.
SBEC Domain I: Competency 2: School Community Leadership
#27 Climate for Cultural Diversity
Evaluate school library for diversity
3 hours
Meet with member of the Language arts and examine the literature used with regard to gender stereotyping.  Include your analysis and recommendations in your notebook or e-portfolio.
 I meet with Megan Pivec. She is an 11th grade English teacher. She told me about two books that 11th graders read, “The Crucible and The Great Gatsby”, we analyzed gender stereotyping in them. In The Crucible which is about the Salem witch trials, women were being accused of being witches. At that time, only men had political power and women where under men’s rule. In the great Gatsby, the second literature the 11th graders read, takes place after WWI. We talked about how women were under the rule of their husbands. The husbands could abuse them and have mistress if they wanted. Women are referred to being a “wife’s man” and staying home to be pretty. I asked Megan Pivec how students reacted when they read this. She told me that most students like reading anything with drama. My only recommendation is that when reading about gender stereotyping, have students reflect on how their lives would be different if the same rules applied today.
SBEC Domain I: Competency 2:  School Community Leadership
#28  Community/Business Involvement and Partnerships
Interview communities in school member.
3 hours
Interview communities in schools. The interview should focus on the needs of the clients and the worker’s view of the role of the school in meeting these needs. Include a summary of the interview and recommendations for improvement in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I interviewed Tana Rogers who works for CIS (Communities in Schools).  CIS is a non-profit organization that receives fund by the state, school districts and private donations. CIS’s goal is to help students graduate and achieve in life.  Students can be referred to CIS by teachers, principal and parents.  The eligibility criteria for students to be in CIS, is repeating a grade, failing standardized testing, pregnant or attending a DAEP school.   Students must be willing to work with a CIS member.   Tana Rogers coordinates counseling services for students in groups or individually at LHS.  She provides counseling services to each student in her case management for one hour a week because research shows that students improve with at least sixteen hours of services a year.   Most of her case management students have been referred to her for behavior issues or academic failures.  She has the challenge, that if one of her students has a crisis she has to modify her schedule, to see all her students.   My recommendation for her is if she can provide teachers with training on how to counsel students.  I offend do not know how to reach out to students and feel I need to be trained.  
SBEC Domain I: Competency 3 School Community Leadership
#29  Position Goals and Requirements
Review requirements for principal positions.
3 hours
Obtain a copy of the job description and evaluation instrument used for the principal.  Analyze the correlation between the requirements listed in the job description and performance standards of the evaluation.  Include copies of the job description and evaluation and your analysis in your notebook e-portfolio.
The evaluation instrument for principal and job description both include heading of: school climate, school improvement, instructional management, personnel management, facilities management, student management, professional growth and personal development, school/community relation, general administration and campus performance objectives.  Each heading has subheadings that are measured from one to five on the evaluation and are included under each heading in the job description.  Overall the job description and evaluation are the same except for the job description has state the primary purpose and qualification.      
SBEC Domain I: Competency 3: School Community Leadership
#30 Philosophy/ History of Education
Philosophy/ History of Education
Write a biography about a community member.
Interview and write a story about a community member.  Include biography, education, and his other philosophy of practice.  How do these connect?
 I interviewed Wayne Bridges. He is a substitute teacher at Lockhart ISD since 2005. Mr. Bridges was born in San Angelo, Texas. He was raised on a ranch 23 miles northwest of San Angelo. In the early 50’s, he was in the 6th grade when his father sold the ranch and they moved to College Station, Texas so his father could finished his degree in agriculture. Mr. Bridges father left college his senior year due to his father injury. Mr. Bridges attended College Station ISD and graduated in 1963. Then he followed in his father’s footsteps by going to Texas A&M and also studying agriculture. He got his agriculture teaching degree in 1969 and worked for 11 years at Deal Valley ISD as a teacher. He went back and got his principal certification and from 1981 he worked at Hays H.S. as an assistant principal. When Mr. Bridges stated working in Hays H.S. there were 1,030 students and in 2004 there were 2,484 students. Mr. Bridges retired in June 2004 after 34 years in the education field.
Mr. Bridges and his wife will be celebrating their 47thmarried anniversary on January 24th. He and his wife have raised three children, two of their own and one they got guardianship over. Their two sons had a friend whose father was in jail and mother had a drug problem. They took guardianship over their son’s friend and raised him. Their first son works as a union plumber. Their second son works as an ABC pet control and their third son works in a blood bank where he delivers medical record to doctors.
SBEC Domain I: Competency 4: School Community Leadership
#31 Ethics
Show evidence of ethics.
Provide evidence for demonstrating that you actually do what you tell others to do.  For example, if you ask others to monitor and adjust their performances, show how you do this in your work.  Include evidence in your notebook or e-portfolio.
SBEC Domain I: Competency 3: School Community Leadership
#32  Interpersonal Relationships
Develop interpersonal skills
Choose from the following list of interpersonal skills the ones you wish to develop throughout the school year.
Acknowledges accomplishments of others and promptly responds to others with concerns or needs.
SBEC Domain I: Competency 3: School Community Leadership
#33 School Board Policy and Procedures/State and Federal Law
Review board training requirements.
3 hours
Review board training requirements.  Include a summary of board training requirements in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I read my districts board training requirement and learned some interesting facts about the board trainings.  First is that within ninety days after taking the oath of office board members must complete any training SBOE requires.  SBOE requirements are that board trainings to be before or after a meeting called for training that is in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.  SBOE will commend board members with at least eight hours of training.  Board members are to attend an orientation session to familiarize themselves with local board policies and procedures.  Board members are to keep updated with Texas Education Code by Texas Legislature by attending meetings that have recent changes.        
SBEC Domain II: Competency 4: Instructional Leadership
#7  Curriculum Analysis
Interview people involved in implementat-ion of  school/district curriculum.
3 hours
Interview persons involved in the implementation of a school/district curriculum.  Describe the implementation process, and note successes and concerns or problems with its implementation.  Evaluate the process used and recommendations for improvements, and include in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I meet with Janie Wright. She is Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum at LISD.  She told me the district and the service center provides training.  Any new program or training is based on what students need for our local, state and federal assessment goals. TAKS or STAAR is used for state goals and right now we need to improve in reading.  Each year the district will review the campus assessment data and use that data for improvement.  If data shows a weakness at a campus, the campus principal will state that on the campus improvement plan.  If we see that certain grades are not meeting expectation on a certain test we will focus on that area.  This helps the district make its goals of student achievement.  Janie Wright reviews and takes the campus and district improvement plans to the board of trustees for approval.  The board looks at the goals base on assessment data.  Then the district provides the activities for those goals.  The only problem is when any implementation is not monitored it becomes optional.  I believe that she is doing the process of implementation correctly.  The only thing I would recommendation for improvement is, if reading needs to be improved than maybe there is a need for some reading curriculum.  But before applying any new reading curriculum try to reflect on why reading scores are low.  Find the root cause before looking for new curriculum.   
SBEC Domain II: Competency 4: Instructional Leadership
#8  School Program Scheduling
Participate in the process of student class scheduling.
3 hours
Meet with the counselor or administrator responsible for changes in student class schedules.  Discuss the number of changes, rationales for changes, and ramifications of changes.  Examine ways to reduce changes and/or better meet student needs.  Include a summary and recommendations in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I meet with Pamela Andrew. She is the 11th grade counselor for Lockhart High School. She told me about how the district she came from had the policy of not changing schedules after the second week of school and how Lockhart High School is starting to do the same. This is her fourth year at Lockhart ISD and she shared with me that the secret of having low schedule changes is to have administration support, a good retention of staff and be fully staffed at the start of the year. Many parents complain that they want another teacher for their child but in order for a schedule change to happen, a meeting has to talk place before. That is where the administration support needs to come from. If a student is failing the class and blaming the teacher, the student will never learn that they need to take responsibility and that changing teachers to find one that will just pass then is not the way to go. If new teachers are hired after the start of the school year it creates a lot of schedule changes. Having a good retention of staff and being fully staff give counselor the chance to make correct schedules before school starts. The only change that takes place without a meeting is when a student needs to drop an AP class, ARD committee has changed a student’s classes or a transfer student’s recorded come in late and she sees they are missing classes. I agree with what the school is doing to reduce schedule changes. There needs to be some justification if a student is trying to change a class.
As a math teacher I receive several students in geometry that have trouble with algebra 1. To better meet student’s needs in math, I asked if students can take math models before geometry. She told me that with the EOC coming, they are seeing the problem of having seniors taking EOCs their last year and trying to graduate and to change class order the administration needs to approve the order change. I recommend that before the school year ends, teacher give a list of students who should take both geometry and math models during their sophmore year to be ready for EOCs.
SBEC Domain II: Instructional Leadership
Competency 4: #9  Supervision of Instruction/Instructional Strategies
Research the International Center for Leadership in Education website.
3  hours
Visit the International Center for Leadership in Education website and research it Rigor/Relevance Framework.  Engage faculty and/ or district staff in a discussion of the Rigor/Relevance Framework.  Include a summary of the discussion, noting significant positions taken and perspectives elicited from the discussion, in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I visited the International Center for Leadership in Education.   It talks about new standards for testing that teachers will need to teach to the new standards.  The new standards include rigorous content to lead to higher-order skills that are at level with other countries and help students with college and work expectations.  Right now Texas is changing it standardizes testing to a more rigor testing.  When lead in a discussion teachers were concerns about how to prepare students with the new demands.  There are students who can do a more rigorous curriculum but how do we incorporate it if in the same class we have students who are not up to a rigorous curriculum.  It was mentioned that in order to have a more rigorous curriculum it would need to start and elementary level and carried with that grade level of students.    To implement high rigorous curriculum on students at high school level would put a burned on the teacher.  Teachers were concerned about having students struggle and rebel. 
SBEC Domain II: Competency 4: Instructional Leadership
#13  Supervision of Co -curricular Education
Assist in one co-curricular activity.
5 hours
Select an area of interest involving co-curricular activity. With the approval of the sponsor, assist in planning and supervising the activity. Include a critique of the learning experience for the students involved in your notebook or e-portfolio. The critique should also address student motivation, discipline, and performance and the activity’s relations overall student education. Collaboratively work with one teacher in planning and supervising a co-curricular activity.  Include a critique of the learning experience, using the indicators listed in activity A in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I was assigned to the homecoming game.   During the game people are walking around the bleachers to go to the restroom or buy food.  I helped supervise students, kept people moving and ensured that there were no fights.  If I saw someone horse playing I ask them to continue moving.  This helped in keeping the environment save.  I learned that most people who go to the homecoming game go to socialize.  By telling people to keep moving they only found another place to stand and talk.  Really all that was needed was to keep an eye out for fights or things that should not be bought into the school grounds.       
SBEC Domain II: Competency 4: Instructional Leadership
#34  Federal Programs Administration
Review requirements for career and technical education with interviewer.
3 hours
Interview a professional responsible for career and technical education. Discuss major requirements for, concerns about, and goals of the program.  Summarize these issues, and cite current and future plans to address the issues. Include the summary in your notebook or e-portfolio with recommendations for program improvement.
I interviewed Tammy Ceaser.  She is the CTE of LISD.  The CTE classes for LISD are college credit classes the high school offers.  Students can take culinary classes, vet med, principal of tech, audio and video and more to earn college credit.  Some of the credit is for a four year career and other is for certification.  To be able to take these course students must have the pre required classes.  Her personal goal for the program is to maintain the program.  Ms. Ceaser is in charge of training teachers to follow the objectives of the high school and college, training teacher to have different was to deliver instruction to all students, help students pass TAKS, and training counselors.  Her concern is the funding.  The school receives funding for the program but if the funding goes down some of the materials and staff will not be affordable.  The school might have to compete for funding.   
I asked her what she thinks of having the program open to students who are at the DAEP. Most of the students I work with will probably go to the work force after high school.  If they go to college it will be later on in life.  The students could use a certification to hold a job.  She said that the program should not be mellowed down.  Its curriculum is very rigorous and students need to be there because they want to be.  Students need to have background knowledge of reading, writing and math to be able to make the connection of how these subjects are connected to jobs.     
SBEC Domain II: Competency 5: Instructional Leadership
#10  Learning/Motivation Theory
Exam ways to motivate student learning.
5 hours
Review methods used to encourages student motivation in the classroom. Read two articles from refereed journals on motivation strategies, and discuss with selected administrators and faculty. Write a reflection on the topic and include in your notebook or e-portfolio.
The first article I read is classed Motivation in the Classroom.  It starts by defining what motivation is and the different types of motivation.  It than describes the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. It ends with strategies to increase students’ motivation.  The article has several theories about motivation.  For example, if students believe that a task is difficulty they will try less than if they believe the task is easy. My question on this is if you are teaching something that is on your state’s curriculum and have to teach it no matter how hard it is how can you make the students believe it is easy?  Some of the strategies mentioned are to rewarded students with praise for a job while done, reinforce desired behavior by repeating praise, understand what are the factors affecting the student’s behavior, and make sure that students experience success. 
My second article on motivation is about a study done in Norway.  The idea of the study is that student motivation happens when students see that the classroom is focus on social structure and its relationships to motivational climate.  Three things are needed to make motivation.  They are involvements, autonomy and regulations.   Involvement is when teachers are interested in the well being of students.  Autonomy is when students feel on reasonability over their learning from the classroom climate.   The article believes that external rewards cause students to compete and feel hopeless.  The article’s study the three things needed for classroom motivation by surveying students on how they saw teachers’ involvements, autonomy support and regulation in the classroom.  The results showed that some students believe the teacher treat them differently.  The study also showed that some students have different perception of the teachers’ role in the classroom.  The article believes that students should be allowed to set their own learning goals.  This makes intrinsic motivation and learning. 
Stornes, T.,Bru, E., Idsoe, T. (2008) Classroom Social Structure and Motivational Climates:  On the influence of teachers’ autonomy support and regulation in relation to motivational climates in school classrooms 52(3), 315-329. Doi: 10.1080/00313830802925124     
SBEC Domain II: Instructional Leadership
Competency 5: #11  Learning Technology
Describe the process for implementing new technologies from interviewer.
3 hours
Interview persons responsible for purchasing, supporting, or managing technologies used for instruction.  Describe the process for implementing current and new technologies.  Evaluate the process used, discuss concerns, and make any recommendations for improvement in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I met with Sylvia Evans she is the network administrator for Lockhart ISD.  She explained the process for purchasing new technology.  LISD replaces computers and laptops every five years.  Network administrators and technicians provide support any computer problems. LISD also has four technology instructional mentors at different campuses.  During technology conferences she learns about new technologies that are coming out and also network with other districts to see what might help. 
TEA requires all schools to develop a technology plan that has set goals and objectives aligned with the TEKS. 
Since funds are needed for each objective, she sets goals and a time line, to know when to complete each objective.  The plan goes to the school board to be approved and then TEA.   Since things change every year the plan has to be updated and changed to meet goals.  She works with the TIMS to create and update the technology plan.   Her main concern is budget.  The district budget for technology and books has been getting cut.   
SBEC Domain II: Instructional Leadership
Competency 5: #12 Evaluation of Student Achievement/Testing and Measurements
Evaluate ways to improve student achievement.
3 hours
Review board policy and assess the degree of compliance with board policy and the education plan.  Discuss curriculum and assessment of student achievement with administrators and faculty.  Write a reflective statement regarding ways to improve evaluation and assessment of student achievement.  Include the assessment of compliance and recommendations in your notebook or e-portfolio.
The school board policy states the vision, structure, accountability, advocacy and unity.  For vision the board will endure a shared vision that promotes students achievement by keeping focus on educational welfare for all students.  The vision is to supports the state’s mission and goals.  For structure the board guides the direction to accomplish the vision.  The board it to comply with the State Board of Education, the Texas Education Agency and local board governance of the district by upholding all the laws, rules and procedures.  The board is to adopt goals so that student will have a well balanced curriculum to learn while being in a safe environment.  Under accountability the board measure how well the vision is being accomplished.  The board will communicate the vision to the superintendent, staff and community by upholding a two way communication between them.  For unity the board works with the superintendent to lead the district toward the vision by teamwork and following procedures.  The board will make decision only at properly called meetings. 
I went over board policy with my supervisor.  We disused whether or not curriculum is being implemented correctly to uphold the schools vision of all students graduating.  All the staff development that the districted has bought to teachers has been about curriculum development.  I believe that teachers are doing everything they can but to give students the opportunity to graduate but a lot of the accountability is being put on the teachers.  Teachers are the once who have to be calling parents if students fail when it should be parents and students who need to be held accountable for student learning.  If parents and students had to look on-line to see student’s grades, teachers would have more time to evaluate student’s assessment and provide tutoring to help students’ learning.
SBEC Domain II: Competency 5:
Instructional Leadership
#16 Student Discipline
Examine discipline plans, strengths, and weaknesses.
3  hours
Examine the school discipline policy and analyze its strengths and weaknesses.  Include the analysis and recommendations in your notebook or e-portfolio.
My school discipline policy has a minor offenses squeal.  It is for students who interrupt the learning of others and fails to abide campus rules.   It stars by verbal warning, redirection and conference with teachers.  Than it places students in a time out and if needed a visit to the counselor.  If students are still misbehaving they are dropped a level and denied classroom privileges.  Parents are contacted and informed of student’s misbehavior.  If misbehavior continues than the student visits the principal’s office and a referral is written.  I have worked with this discipline consequence sequence and have noticed many problems with it.  First is that by the time the students is sent to the principal office the classroom teacher has lost a lot of classroom instruction time because of one students who was  interrupting the learning of others.  This causes other students to start getting behind and follow along with the disruptions.  Second there are students who after all the steps have been taken are still disruptive causing the consequence sequence to start all over again and more instruction time is lost.  Their needs to be a way to remove the students who are disrupting others at the same time hold them accountable for their work.  I have had student’s parent come in class to watch over their child.  I know that when parents are at school the student will behave differently but at least it helps.  For major offenses at my school an office referral is done immediately.             
2. Domain II: Competency 5: Instructional Leadership
#36 Current Issues Affecting Teaching and Learning
Compile a list of current issues that affect teaching and learning.
5 hours
Compile a list of current issues that affect teaching and learning.  Use research literature and the perspective of administrators, teachers, students, and parents.  Assess the degree of importance and urgency for each issue.  Include in your list and assessment with any recommendations in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I read literature about current issues that affect teaching and learning and asked teachers for feedback.   One current issue is technology.  Students are growing up in a world that is about technology and teachers are to engage students in technology skills.  This requires teachers to maintain their technology skills by attending continuing education and schools to provide funding for the training.  Schools are also in the need of hiring teachers with technology background and retaining those teachers in the district.   When I asked teachers for feedback on technology they felt that technology does help.  It increases student’s motivation and engages students in the lesson.  One drawback is that if there is one student in the class that does not the same technology at home it stops some of the goals the teacher had on the use of technology in the class.  The teacher has to find a way to reach that one student and ends up relying on teaching without the use of technology.  Another issue is that schools are handling more than they can.   Besides teaching, teachers are to keep up with social issues and learning speeds.  Student in the classroom find it hard to learn when they do not understand something or are dealing with stress from peer pressure.  When I asked teachers for feedback they replied that every year they have more students in each classroom and students are coming with learning gaps.  Learning gaps may cause students to lose motivation and start to misbehave which makes teaching students harder.  I ask students for feedback, some students told me that they prefer to be at alternative campus because there is less peer pressure and stress.  Other students told me that at one point they felt they were learning and motivated in the classroom and something happened that they started to lose focus in learning.  I do believe that once students get to high school they find learning harder.  I have had students ask, when they will use this information being taught. Schools are focused on getting students to college instead of providing students with skills to find work.  There are students who will go to college but there are also students who will find other opportunities in life.  I believe that education needs to be changed from the state level.  Schools need to have options for those students who will not go to college.  By offering tech careers in high schools to students who cannot handle advance classes, schools can have fewer problems.
Campbell, J.,& Oblinger,D. (2007) Top-Ten Teaching and Learning Issues: Creating a culture of evidence tops the list of important issues as the academic technology profession moves to an "Instruction 2.0" world , Current Issues,  Educause Quarterly, 12-22, Retrieved from
Shaw, C. (2012) Home School vs. Public School:   Helping Parents make reasonable choices between Home School & Public School, Retrieved from
SBEC Domain II: Competency 6: Instructional Leadership
#14  Staff Development/ Adult Learning
Collaborate in one-staff development activity.
Survey a board spectrum of teachers to elicit recommendations for more effective and relevant professional development, and assess the degree of importance that professional development should have in teacher evaluation.  Include the survey results and recommendations for effective professional development and its use in teacher evaluation in your notebook or e-portfolio..
Most teachers felt that professional development is important. It lets them know what material needs to be covered in class and in what order. Several teachers said that their ideas and strategies come from professional development. Now they know how to better teach students and what to expect of them. Teachers felt that the presenters are knowledgeable and information is useful but some of the down falls of professional development is that they cover so much information that toward the end, teachers felt overwhelmed and information was lost. Most teachers believe that professional development should not be part of the teacher evaluation because they have already completed the required number of professional development hours during the teacher recertification process. Many teachers said that they are out for other school events and cannot be out of school to attended professional developments. One teacher said it should only be part of the evaluation if the school pays for it. Some suggestions made to improve professional development were to have shorter professional development so that teachers had time at the end to work together and analyze the information. Also it would help to avoid lost information because at the end teachers felt overwhelm. Teachers felt that they need more professional training in keeping student’s interest up, how to ask higher order thinking questions, how to get students ready for STARR testing and on special education.
SBEC Domain II: Competency 6: Instructional Leadership
#23  Personnel Procedures
Exam factors considered important for professional development.
Meet with persons responsible for personnel development and discuss the factors they consider important when planning professional development, such as the experience of current staff, current evaluations, future needs, etc. Include your assessment and recommendations in your notebook or e-portfolio.
SBEC Domain II: Competency 7: Instructional Leadership
#15  Change Process
Evaluate how change is implemented and how it affects people.
Meet with a current leader involved in implementing a school/district change. Find out why the change was made and what steps were taken to make the change.  Following this, survey several persons the change affected, asses the support the change and recommend a way to help them move to the next change.  Summarize and include in your notebook or-e-portfolio.
SBEC Domain II: Competency 7:Instructional Leadership
#17  Student Services
Participate in a career or educational program session with a counselor and a student.
3 hours
Interview a school nurse, and discuss the major requirements, concerns about, and goals for the school health program.  Address issues such as abuse, HIV/AIDS, sex education, and any other current issues.  Include a summary and recommendations in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I talked to Julie Hart; she is the direct nurse and coordinator of health services.  She directs all health care personnel working on any LISD campus. There are RNs at the high school level and LVN and health aids at the Jr. High and elementary campuses.  She told me that a school nurse needs be a registered nurse (RN) with a B.S.  Lockhart ISD employs registered nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) and health aides.  Her concerns are that at the beginning of each school year, student’s information is needed and parents are contacted to discuss student’s needs.  Student’s immunization needs to be checked to make sure students are in compliance with TEA/TDSHS.  Throughout the year school nurses need to keep alert of any sign of health issues that can spread throughout the school.  Students in grades pre-K, K, 1,3,5,7 have to have a vision and hearing screened.  6th and 9th grade students are screened for scoliosis with parent permission.  The district goals are to have a system for dealing with emergency health situations.  To do this the school needs to assure a safe school environment for students with medical needs by provide a system for identifying and referring student’s medical problems and have mandatory screenings and immunization monitoring
 Abuse/ HIV/Aids/Sex Education are addressed through the Community in Schools Program, Counselors, Public/Private Providers of these services. If abuse was identified in the clinic we would follow school policy/procedures to have the student’s needs met. HIV/AIDS/Sex Ed are covered in health education curriculum classes that meet TEA approval.
SBEC Domain II: Competency 7: Instructional Leadership
#35  Issue and Conflict Resolution
Assist in resolving a conflict.
Participant in a student and teacher conflict.  Meet with the chosen persons individually or as a group to resolve the conflict.
SBEC Domain III: Competency 8: Administrative Leadership
#18  General Office Administration/Technology
Review the policy and budget for administrative technology.
3 hours
Review the policy and budget for administrative technology. Develop a plan to fund and implement recommended technology upgrades and /or emerging technologies to meet the needs of the administrative staff.   Share the plan with the principal and include in you notebook or e-portfolio.
I meet with Sylvia Evans to go over the policy and budget for administrative technology.   She explained that funding for new technology comes from the state and local funding.  In order for funding to be approved   every year with the help of TIMS she creates a technology plan that goes to the school board and then TEA for approval.  The plan needs to be aligned with the TEKS objective.  She showed me the plan that compares the goals and objectives to the budget for the last three years.  There are five goals and each goal has objective under it.  The first three goals all have increase in the budget.  For goal four shows and increase from the first year them the budget stays the same the second two years.  Four goals five the budget goes down and then up again.  
SBEC Domain III: Competency 8: Administrative Leadership
#19  School Operations/
Discuss the rules, procedures, and ramifications of attendance law with attendance officer.
3 hours
Meet with the district /school attendance officer. Discuss the rules, procedures, and ramifications of attendance on law, finance, and general school/ district operations. Include the highlights and /or summary of the meeting in the notebook or e-portfolio.
I met with Manuel Gaitan.  He is the Truancy Officer for Lockhart ISD.  He will print out a list of students who are absent two or more days.  He calls the student’s house to see why they are absent.  If he finds outs that students are skipping class he writes referrals and send the referrals to the principals.  On some issues he does home visits to find out why students were absent.   For students who have three unexcused absents in a four week period he sends home a letter to the parents or guardians.  If the student is absent again he sends a copy of the student’s attendance and a truancy record to district court judge.   
With some exception by law students are to attend school until the age of eighteen.  Schools are to notify parents about attendance rules before the start of the school year.  If the student has unexcused absences the districts must notify the student’s parents that they are to monitor their child’s attendance and that they can be prosecuted under the education code.  A meeting is held between school officials and parents.
SBEC Domain III: Competency 8: Administrative Leadership
#24  Supervision of the Budget
Complete a requisition for a service or supply item from a budgeted account.
3 hours
Interview the administrator responsible for the district finance/budget office.  The interview should focus on administrative responsibility, guidelines, training programs, and any major needs or concerns.  Include an overview of the interview in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I interviewed Tina Knudsen. She is the Chief Financial Officer and RTSBA for Lockhart ISD. Her responsibilities include budgeting, investing district funds, fixed assets inventory maintenance, payroll, benefits, analyze debt capacity and bonded indebtedness. She is also responsible for insurance products, SHARS and e-rate funding, managing funds of annual budget and oversees the district time clock system. The guidelines she follows needs to be what is best for the students. She reviews board policies before making any decisions and has a conservative approach to all duties. She is a Texas Certified Public Accountant and reports 40 hours of continuing education per year from Global CPE. She attends trainings offered by TASBO, ESC XIII, and Investment Officer training.
The District is constantly looking for ways to increase revenue through alternative sources. One such new source is a lease for mineral rights. The District became aware this year that it owns the mineral rights to 4 acres. This year, the district concerns are to negotiate the final terms of the lease and generate a new revenue stream in the next couple of years. Also the district is planning growth. A demographic study is being conducted to determine how much more enrollment growth the district can expect in the next few years. The budget planning process begins with a board meeting where the topic is presented. If approved, a calendar is made in the next meeting. The budget is reviewed and each week an assignment is issued out and reported the following week.
SBEC Domain III: Competency 8: Administrative Leadership
#37  Professional Affiliations and Resources
Compile a list of services and information available to principals from NAESP and NASSP website.
3 hour
Visit the NAESP and NASSP website, and compile a list of all services and information available to principals. Consider joining the relevant association (state and/or national), and being reading periodicals and keeping up with the advances and concerns of principals across the state and/or nation.  Summarize your findings and their relevance to the current needs of your school in your notebook or e-portfolio.
NAESP has many things available to principals.  The following is a list of services and information available to principals:
Learning Center
Under advocacy are statements about what the principal does and how NAESP advocate for them. NAESP states its beliefs and has a place where principal can blog about the latest news.   
Under Resources NAESP has magazines and publications principals can read information.
Hot Topic includes resources about autism and bullying prevention.  Student Leadership talks about school standards and criteria. 
Learning Center has a career centers to help find and post jobs, conference expo, online learning with webinars, principal 2 principal where they can stay connected by blogs and a mentor program.
I can see why principals who want to become members of NAESP.  I find the mentor program useful for first time principals.  After I am a principal I can use their learning center to continue to learn and stay connected with current issues. 
SBEC Domain III: Competency 8: Administrative Leadership
#38   Professional Library
Compile a list of resources for position of study.
Compile a list of books, publications, training manuals, and district or state publications used or recommended for the position of study. The list should include resources of the highest quality and relevance to the position and educational leadership. The list should be included. Include the list in you’re the notebook or e-portfolio.
SBEC Domain III: Competency 9: Administrative Leadership
#20  Facility and Maintenance Administration
Observe maintenance responsibili-ties.
3 hours
Meet with the director of maintenance and/ or head custodian and review job responsibilities and staff schedules.  Shadow/observe one custodian and/or maintenance staff for one-hour.  Include a brief report of the meeting and your observations, including the staff person’s needs and concerns, and an overall assessment of work performed, in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I interviewed Bill Coleman he is the Director of Maintenance for Lockhart ISD.  He oversees 16 maintenance and 65 custodial staff.  The maintenance department is under his direct supervision and the custodial department is under his indirect supervision.  The custodial staff is under the principal’s direct supervision and if there is problem with the custodial staff he is called.  He receives work orders and schedules maintenance staff for the job. He works on the crises and then the prevention orders.  His main concern is working on the maintenance issue when there are people in the area.
He explained how each school district works differently.  At this district he reports to the superintendent in charge of maintenance.  Other districts have someone who is in charge and over sees different section of the maintenance department.  His maintenance staff works with grounds keepers, construction workers, electricians, repairmen, fumigation, welding…ect.  During the summer they redid the football field, ramps and bleachers.  Right now he is overseeing the new tennis court construction.  Most of them have two or three specialist.  Mr. Coleman holds a mechanical license that permits him to install anything needed for his job.   In Lockhart everything requires a permit and city inspection.  If the city inspects and says something is ok them it releases the reasonability. 
SBEC Domain III: Competency 9: Administrative Leadership
#16  Safety and Security
Examine school/district safety and security.
3 hours
Examine the school/district safety and security policy and analyze its strengths and weaknesses.  Include the analysis and recommendations in you notebook or e-portfolio.
I examined the district’s safety programs for risk management, emergency plans and building, grounds, and equipment management security.
For safety program and risk management, the district must follow guidelines from the Texas School Safety Center. TxSSC state that the district will form a committee to develop and implement emergency plans to ensure services needs are met. Once every three years the district is to conduct a safety and security audit that the committee reports to TxSSC in a safety and security audit report.
For emergency plans the district is to implement an emergency operation plan that follows the commissioner and governor’s office of homeland security. The plan is to address mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery and district employee are to be trained. The schools are to have drills and security audits. If the school is within 1,000 yards of a railroad track the school needs to include operation plans for train derailment near a district school.  For buildings, grounds, and equipment management security, the board may adopt rules for safety of students and employees.  The district does exercise safety in the district. Once a month, different drills are to take place and emergency routs are posted in each classroom.
SBEC Domain III: Competency 9: Administrative Leadership
#21  Student Transportation
Review the policies for student transportation.
3  hours
Review the policies for student transportation.  Evaluate the extent to which the school/district is in compliance.  Be sure to consider home to school, school to home, and co-curricular procedures.  Include a brief summary or your findings and recommendation is your notebook or e-portfolio.
I looked through the district bus rules and regulations.   As I looked through it I saw that it talks about bus safety.  Students must follow all rules for bus transportation which included: do not stand or walk on the bus while the bus is moving, no food, electronics, toys and drugs are allowed on the bus.  In order for students to use school bus services students must live two or more miles from the school and have their issued badges.  For safety issues parents of pre-k and kindergarten must meet the bus. 
I found out that schools buses are for ten or more students.  If the schools need to transport less then ten people they can use passenger car and for less then fifteen people passenger van.  The school district I work for uses passenger van to transport student from school to school activity.  This is done to save money.  I recommend that the school district try to use energy efficient van and buses.
SBEC Domain III: Competency 9: Administrative Leadership
#22  Food Services
Interview the school/district food service manager.
3 hours
Interview the school/district food service manager and discuss the current requirements of, concerns about, and issues regarding the program.  Include a summary of the interview in your notebook or e-portfolio.
I interview Mr. Kenneth Palmer he is the district’s food service manager for LISD.  He told me that the requirements for food are from five categories: meat, grain, fruit, vegetable and dairy.  That students need to get half cup of fruit or vegetable.  He explain how the Texas department of agriculture drops the about amount of sodium and calories that food serviced can have because of obesity.   Funding for food is a concern because healthier food cost more.  Every year the school district bids on food that is permitted with the new regulations and tries to find food at affordable prices.  Right now the district buys food from a company in San Antonio that delivers food twice a week.  Mr. Palmer’s main concern is educating parents and students about calories and sodium.  Many people do not understand a balance diet and Mr. Palmer is trying to show students how to eat healthy.  We talked about training.  Each cafeteria has its own manager that is trained on how to fill out the paper work.  The paper work is about how much food was serviced the cash control and the left over. He told me that during the summer he and his staff go to the region and are trained on the new regulations.  New employees are trained in hygiene, cutting, gloves and how to prevent accidents.     

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